Monday, January 28, 2013

A Day Made of Glass

I really enjoyed watching the "Day Made of Glass" video, both for the aesthetic entertainment and the glimpse they provided into the future.  The teaching implications here are extreme.  Most teachers today still struggle with correctly and effectively operating a Smartboard (I sure don't know how to use one!), let alone an entire interactive glass classroom.  What I loved about the education-focused video however, was that it showed students embracing the technology to help enhance their imaginations, rather than disappearing into the technology with the glazed over zombie look we've all seen on a face that is checked into a screen and checked out of the world.  The dinosaur exhibit was turned into an entirely new learning experience!  The young students were giving their full attention to the experience, because it was an experience not a lecture or a reading.  As a future educator, the idea of mastering this upcoming technology is daunting, but it is a challenge that I hope I will rise to to be an effective educator.  I do not want to be the kind of adult who scoffs at technology simply because it is not the way I was brought up to do things.  I used to think technology prevented young people from having to use their imaginations and stifled creativity.  However, I have in recent years, discovered how the progress of technology has opened the door for infinite expressions of creativity for young people.  I need to remember that just because a student's imagination or creative expression or learning preference differs from what I'm used to, it does not make him/her wrong, it means that I have something new to learn.

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